A Flexible Thinking

Post date: Jan 26, 2011 1:51:5 AM

The main Agile value is flexibility. What allows us to be flexible? Of course our mind... What principles of thinking lie on the foundation of flexibility, foundation of Agile? Does our mind flexible? These and other questions are the main issues of author training "Innovative thinking and The Instrumentary of Mind".

All the discoveries made by man and all the investigations always were directed towards the one goal - to investigate flexibility. People always strive to prove the laws they recognize as the most universal. We always want to have the most definitive answers to be ready for any situation. We were always looking for comprehension. And always wonder when somebody turned out to be able to get instantly to the optimal solutions of the most exciting problems being in the most critical circumstances and achieve a success when nobody else believed in this. Wonder even if a long period of preparatory work preceded such solutions.

What does allow these people to achieve the highest results? Are there some principles which we can adopt to be so productive? How can be flexible thinking helpful in Agile development and how to develop agile mind? The training "Innovative thinking and The Instrumentary of Mind" by Relevance Research & Development Corp. is based on the results of more than 9-year investigation of these questions and now have the answers.